BOFAS Equity & Diversity


BOFAS welcomes all who would like to be involved with the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion project. If you are interested in getting invovled, if you have questions to ask or if you would like to attend the online EDI working group events then please complete the form below.


Our Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Chair is Anna Chapman who can be contacted directly at

The full results of the BOFAS 2023 EDI survey can be found here


With regards the BOFAS Annual Scientific Meeting, the aim of the society is to have as many people together face to face in person as possible. However we recognise that some of our members will have extenuating circumstances such as personal health or caring responsibility reasons which might prevent them being able to attend the Annual Meeting in person. In this situation we are aiming to provide video link access to the live feed from the meeting. If you would like to find out more about this in your own situation then please do email