Hallux Rigidus



  • The 1st MTPJ carries ~120% of body weight with each step
  • Hallux rigidus is primarily idiopathic, familial predisposition, often bilateral
  • Trauma is a common cause, especially when unilateral
  • Risk factors include:
    • metatarsal head shape
    • long 1st metatarsal
    • metatarsal adductus
    • hallux valgus interphalangeus
    • inflammatory / metabolic conditions (e.g. RA, gout)
  • Progression disrupts joint mechanics, eccentric gliding of proximal phalanx, dorsal osteophyte formation and decrease in dorsiflexion 


Clinical Presentation

  • Pain and stiffness exacerbated by activities involving dorsiflexion of the big toe
  • Altered gait due to 1st MT off-loading can cause:
    • transfer metatarsalgia / plantar callosities
    • lesser toe clawing
    • lesser MT stress fractures
  • Discomfort during ambulation, particularly during toe-off and propulsion
  • Relief with stiff-soled shoes and worse with flexible footwear
  • Bony prominences causing difficulty with footwear



  • Localised tenderness dorsally
  • Palpable dorsal osteophytes
  • Reduced / restricted range of motion
  • Pain with dorsiflexion (bony or soft tissue impingement) and plantarflexion (traction of EHL tendon)
  • Pain during "grind testing" and mid-range motion indicative of advanced arthritis
  • Hyperextension of the interphalangeal (IP) joint as compensation
  • Look for associated hallux valgus or lesser toe abnormalities and plantar callosities



  • Standing anteroposterior (AP), lateral and oblique radiographs
  • Radiographic signs include:
    • reduced joint space
    • flattening / widening of the MT head
    • dorsal osteophytes
    • cysts
  • CT, USS, MRI not usually necessary



  • >18 classification systems described
  • Coughlin and Shurnas is the most widley accepted

Coughlin and Shurnas Classification









Mild pain at extremes of motion

Mild dorsal osteophyte, normal joint space



Moderate, more constant pain with range of motion

Moderate dorsal osteophyte, <50% joint space narrowing



Significant stiffness, pain at end-range, no mid-range pain

Severe dorsal osteophyte, >50% joint space narrowing



Grade 3 + pain at mid-range

Same as Grade 3





Always offer non-operative treatment first:

  • Activity modification:
    • avoid impact sports / jumping / running
    • avoid professions involving kneeling
    • if left foot, consider an automatic car
  • Analgesia – paracetamol or NSAIDs
  • Systemic treatment (e.g. for gout, RA)
  • Orthotics:
    • limit joint motion, cushion, pressure distribution
    • stiff (carbon fibre) footplate or Morton’s extension
    • high / wide toe box to accommodate dorsal osteophytes
    • rocker-bottom soles to reduce bending forces through the foot
  • Injections:
    • steroid – evidence suggests temporary relief only, less effect with increased Coughlin grade
    • hyaluronic acid – some good evidence
    • PRP – limited evidence
  • Physiotherapy – may help with ROM and gait training in early stages

Surgical Treatment

Choice of procedure: based on the condition of the joint, patient’s expectations and surgeon’s experience

Aims of surgery: improve pain, function, quality of life and to maintain joint stability


  • Reserved mainly for early-stage OA
    • involves dorsal wedge resection up to 30% of the MT head and PP base
    • remove surrounding osteophytes to enhance dorsiflexion, improve gait, and increase ankle push-off power
  • Avoid over-resection (>30%) to prevent dorsal instability of the PP
  • Ideal candidates:
    • young, active
    • mainly dorsal impingement symptoms; large dorsal osteophytes; <50% joint space narrowing
    • pain at extremes of range of motion (ROM)
    • caution with positive grind test / mid-range pain
  • Coughlin reported on 89 patients with 97% good to excellent results and 92% improvement in pain and function at mean of 9 years
  • Counsel for high conversion rate (~50%) to further surgery

Cheilectomy with Moberg osteotomy

  • Moberg = dorsal closing wedge osteotomy of the proximal phalanx:
    • offloads contact pressure over damaged cartilage
    • enhances dorsiflexion
    • facilitates gait cycle rocker
  • Conversion to arthrodesis after Moberg may be challenging due to the altered shape of the PP


  • Remains the 'gold-standard' treatment for severe and end-stage hallux rigidus
  • Improves pain, propulsion, function, and gait stability
  • Techniques include:
    • flat cuts: more technically demanding, more 1st ray shortening(?)
    • conical reamers: allows greater flexibility in joint positioning
  • Fixation methods:
    • crossed compression screws
    • cross compression screw with a dorsal plate: biomechanically more stable, earlier weight-bearing, although increased cost
  • Studies show excellent results with many returning to professional sport
  • Complications include:
    • non-union (many are asymptomatic)
    • mal-union (includes patients unhappy with the position)
    • prominent metalwork
    • interphalangeal or adjacent joint OA


  • Metallic / ceramic implants
    • Historically poor results
    • High rate of loosening / subsidence
    • Likely due to very high loads through small surface area
    • Subsequent high revision rate
    • Conversion to fusion difficult due to bone loss
  • Hemiarthroplasty
    • High failure and revision rates
  • Silastic implants
    • early generations displayed high rates of osteolysis, implant subsidence, and immune reactions
    • 3rd generation have shown much better results:
    • Clough reported excellent results in 83 patients (108 feet), at 8 years’ follow-up; 90% improvement in pain, function, and overall satisfaction
  • Other arthroplasty
    • joint-sparing options, preserving joint motion
    • Keller resection arthroplasty
      • removes up to 50% of the proximal phalanx base
      • risks joint destabilization, cock-up deformity, transfer metatarsalgia
      • now rarely performed and reserved for low demand patients
    • Inter-position arthroplasty
      • limited PP base resection with use of spacer (autograft / allograft)
      • better results reported than Keller’s alone
  • Synthetic Cartilage Implants
    • Cartiva = polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel implant
    • promising early results with easier conversion to arthrodesis
    • subsequent systematic review showed high failure and revision rate at 2 years



  • Baumhauer JF et al. Prospective, Randomized, Multi-centered Clinical Trial Assessing Safety and Efficacy of a Synthetic Cartilage Implant Versus First Metatarsophalangeal Arthrodesis in Advanced Hallux Rigidus. Foot Ankle Int 2016; 37: 457-469
  • Coughlin MJ, Shurnas PS. Hallux rigidus. Grading and long-term results of operative treatment. J Bone Joint Surg Am 2003; 85-A: 2072-2088.
  • Morgan S, Ng A, Clough T. The long-term outcome of silastic implant arthroplasty of the first metatarsophalangeal joint: a retrospective analysis of one hundred and eight feet. Int Orthop. 2012;36:1865–1869.
  • Politi J, John H, Njus G, Bennett GL, Kay DB. First metatarsalphalangeal joint arthrodesis: a biomechanical assessment of stability. Foot Ankle Int 2003; 24: 332-337.
  • Hyer CF, Glover JP, Berlet GC, Lee TH. Cost comparison of crossed screws versus dorsal plate construct for first metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis. J Foot Ankle Surg 2008; 47: 13-18.
  • Nagy MT, Walker CR, Sirikonda SP. Second-Generation Ceramic First Metatarsophalangeal Joint Replacement for Hallux Rigidus. Foot Ankle Int 2014; 35: 690-698.
  • Aynardi MC et al. Outcomes After Interpositional Arthroplasty of the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint. Foot Ankle Int 2017; 38: 514-518.
  • Grady JF, Axe TM, Zager EJ, Sheldon LA. A retrospective analysis of 772 patients with hallux limitus. J Am Podiatr Med Assoc 2002;92:102-108.
  • Schneider W, Kadnar G, Kranzl A, Knahr K. Long-term results following Keller resection arthroplasty for hallux rigidus. Foot Ankle Int 2011;32:933-939.
  • Pulavarti RS, McVie JL, Tulloch CJ. First metatarsophalangeal joint replacement using the bio-action great toe implant: intermediate results. Foot Ankle Int 2005;26:1033-1037.
  • Nagy MT, Walker CR, Sirikonda SP. Second-generation ceramic first metatarsophalangeal joint replacement for hallux rigidus. Foot Ankle Int 2014;35:690-698.
  • Dawson-Bowling S, Adimonye A, Cohen A, et al. MOJE ceramic metatarsophalangeal arthroplasty: disappointing clinical results at two to eight years. Foot Ankle Int 2012;33:560-564.
  • Goucher NR, Coughlin MJ. Hallux metatarsophalangeal joint arthrodesis using dome-shaped reamers and dorsal plate fixation: a prospective study. Foot Ankle Int 2006;27:869-876.
  • Brodsky JW, Passmore RN, Pollo FE, Shabat S. Functional outcome of arthrodesis of the first metatarsophalangeal joint using parallel screw fixation. Foot Ankle Int 2005;26:140-146.
  • Glazebrook M et al. Midterm Outcomes of a Synthetic Cartilage Implant for the First Metatarsophalangeal Joint in Advanced Hallux Rigidus. Foot Ankle Int. 2019 Apr;40(4):374-383).
  • Butler JJ, Dhillon R, Wingo T, Lin CC, Samsonov AP, Azam MT, Kennedy JG. Polyvinyl alcohol hydrogel implant for the treatment of hallux rigidus is associated with a high complication rate and moderate failure rate at short-term follow-up: a systematic review. Eur J Orthop Surg Traumatol. 2024 Mar 30